Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Depression can channelize Design Thinking !

I saw a very interesting movie some days back called Lucy of Scarlett Johansson and Morgan Freeman. If you guys have not seen it you should see. I have attached a trailer of the movie. 

This movie actually started making me think of the endless possibilities and power that exist within our small Brain. We all want to make our name some or the other way in the world and this makes us channelized in the stagnant flow of what every other human being is doing. A 9 to 5 job or some just go out of their way to create something unique. 

But there are the other part of people that interests me. The one who are suffering from Depression. There is a very unique characteristics that you can see from the Depression Patients, they can think all day and all night and they will not feel tired like the normal human being feels. They have to be medicated and honestly those medications are only sleeping pills so that the person will feel more relaxed or might not do something stupid.

Now they are the same as us and there might be many around who might be depressed and might not be able to sleep. Think if we can channelize this kind of energy to something more useful? Something that we can be absorbed into and we can keep going on without getting tired. There will be Einsteins and Newtons all around the place. 

There are no strong research that might have been done on the same but when we are trying to find the answers, negative place is the last that we want to start and this journey to find something extraordinary will only start once we start from anything to everything! 

I know you must be thinking what is the Design Innovation in this? But think of the endless possibilities that we can achieve if this problem can be turned into a source of energy and used it in the right way. We always feel tired because our mind keeps on rambling about many things while the depression patients are more focused on a single thing and all the other problems in the world are only a minuscule part of every day things. I feel there can be many answers that can be found in our mind only. 

And people don't confuse your mind with brain else I will hear someone started a surgery on their brain just to find the right answer. ;)  

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