Saturday, October 25, 2014

Technology... An Evolution!

Hello friends, all the people who must be reading this must be very well versed with the evolution in the technology that is taking place since the dawn of Internet and the Gadgets and later Apps. But there was a specific incident that shook me today a bit. 

I was talking to my younger brother who is a Generation Z while I m a Gen Y. To explain you in short. There has been 4 parts where in this is divided: 

1) Baby Boomers: Born between (1946-1964)
Like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Sylvester Stallone etc.

2) Gen X: Born between (1960's - 1980's)
Like Charlie Sheen, Ben Stiller, Adam Sandler etc

3) Gen Y: Born between (1980's - 2000)
Like Usain Bolt, Adele, Me ;) etc.

4) Gen Z or Millennial: 2000 and later

So here was my brother a Gen Z while I being a Gen Y, born with the Cassettes and Tape Recorders and here was my brother with iPads and iPhones. I love some classic stuff and so my iPhone cover was of a Cassette. When my brother saw it, he was laughing and told me what is this stupidity. First I got a little angry then I understood he has never seen this before in his life. 

Similarly some of the things I might have never seen like a mainframe computer or the first apple computer or the first flight of Wright Brothers or the making of first light bulb. 

But we know about that stuff because those were the ground breaking innovations that have taken place through years of research. Today technology is so much perishable that something that is released groundbreaking gets off the table with something new within no time. Where does Moore's Law stand?

Lets have a look at the following CPU Performance of iPhones:

I have also searched the release date of the phones and they are as below:
iPhone  Release Date
4 June 24 - 2010
4s October 4 - 2011
5 September 12 - 2012
5s September 20 - 2013
6 September 19 - 2014

Within 4 years the technology has grown 50 times i.e. 12.5 times growth each year which is almost ten times more growth than predicted by Moore in 1965. I m not here to question Moore's law but to understand where exactly are we heading. 

At this rate technology will come in the market and before any growth will be vanished out. How exactly are the Millennial going to earn anything out without continuous innovation! Will this thirst of new things will never end or after getting tired of this mankind will go back to the origin where it started in search of peace... 

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